The rugby academy at the school is slowly building and a remaining 6 fixtures are planned between now and Easter, with more to follow after Easter. The school have backed the academy with Funding for a new Kit and power rack.
The school are also waiting on another order, which consists of:- 6 new tackle bags, post protectors and corner flags, as well as fitness equipment, including Wobble Board, Gym Ball, Inflatable Ice Bath, Catching Nets, Medicine Ball, Bouncing Medicine Balls, Foam Rollers and Tug of War Ropes.
As well as this the school expect to have delivered a respect barrier as school home fixtures have been drawing massive crowds from the lower school.
Coach for the Academy Lee Carbutt stated:- "The school are really delivering on the promises set back in 2013, investment is going into making this the best education first rugby academy on the market for pupils who would like to pursue there education, but also go to play lots of rugby during the next step in there education. So far we are unbeaten against some of the other colleges in the NE and we deliver no false promises.
As well as the boys academy, the school have recently backed the creation of a Girls academy and are putting the final touch's to the offer. More details will be announced shortly.
For more information on the Boys or Girls Academy's that will be running from Astley High in the 2014/15 academic year, then please contact Lee Carbutt on 07824827439 or