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Rocket Tots – All you Need to Know Before Returning

Rocket Tots – All you Need to Know Before Returning

Jeff Ball15 Apr 2021 - 15:10

A must read summary of all the guidance

Signing Up

Currently due to government restrictions we are only able to run a very small class. Priority has been given to those that were already attending classes before lockdown. They have been contacted directly and we are currently FULLY BOOKED. However, we expect capacity to increase as the government roadmap allows more people to take part. To be added to the waiting list, please email

The following is for the benefit of all those invited to attend. Please read it thoroughly.


With a small class and a big space, we expect to be able to keep distanced and safe. Additionally, we would expect parents/guardians to participate at least while everyone gets used to what is involved. We are learning ourselves so your feedback is always welcome.

  • Confirm you will be attending on Saturday, ideally by the Thursday
  • Don’t attend if you have symptoms
  • One parent/guardian per child
  • Arrive 15-10 minutes early for registration and COVID health check questions
  • Wear a mask when moving around the centre
  • Masks must be worn by parents/guardians when participating/spectating in the session
  • Bring your own water bottle
  • Maintain social distance where possible before, during and after sessions
  • Get in touch if you show symptoms within 48 hours of a session

In more detail:

Pre-Attendance Symptom Check

All attendees must undergo a self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in sport if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19 currently recognised as any of the following:
• A high temperature
• A new, continuous cough
• A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste
Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must follow NHS guidance on self-isolation

Pre-Attendance General Hygiene

All Individuals should:
• Wash their hands thoroughly before and after sessions (and when returning home);
• Use hand sanitiser at regular intervals (N.B. Children, particularly younger ones, are not always as aware about good hygiene, so special attention should be paid to children’s hand hygiene.)

Test & Trace

All participants in the session have responsibility to notify the Club COVID Officer (Jeff Ball) should they display symptoms of COVID-19 within 48 hours of a session.
• Anyone with symptoms should ask for a test online or call to arrange a test by calling 119.
• They must complete the test within 5 days of the symptoms starting.
• The club Covid Officer will direct the infected individual to the National Government’s Test and Trace procedures. In England this will mean that individual will have a test within 48 hours.
• In addition to the above advice, the Club Covid Officer to contact all individuals that attended the training session and or match in question to advise that an individual within that group has reported symptoms.
• If the individual is a coach, then all participants of all sessions will need to be contacted and informed that they must follow the Governments advice on self-isolation for 7 days
• If a member of the club presents with symptoms within 48 hours of a session, then sessions must be suspended, and a period of isolation as set out by the government followed.
• The name of the infected individual is not to be disclosed to protect anonymity.
• All attendees of the session who were in close contact should be advised to isolate for 10 days (as per government guidelines) in case symptoms arise.

Behaviour while at the Club

Facemasks are required when moving around when indoors inside Cramlington Sporting Club. Alongside this, all participants should observe the following:
• Must always abide by strict social distancing measures, except during essential risk assessed sessions, keeping a 2m distance between themselves and others at all times where reasonably practical in and out of the sporting environment.
• Must ensure that there is no congregation in communal areas at the Club.
• Must wear PPE as set out by RFL and/or the government.
• Must carry out before and after use cleaning of equipment used as directed by the Club.
• Must not share towels, clothing, water bottles, etc.
• Must not share lip balm, suncream, or any other toiletry product.

Further reading